Constellation Healing transforms long-time relationship conflicts including: self worth, money issues, romance dynamics, and chronic health ailments, and often, deeply-held, often hidden beliefs you didn’t know you or your family had.
Journey into Ancestral Wisdom: Constellation Healing with Gary Stuart
In the newest edition of MysticMag interviews, Gary Stuart, a seasoned practitioner with 25 years dedicated to constellation healing, invites you into the realm of ancestral consciousness. From his origins as a massage therapist to facilitating profound...
Insidious Dynamics of Betrayal
Unfortunately, betrayal seems to be in the ethers these days on many levels with different kinds of people. If you really dissect what dynamics of ‘betrayal’ really are you’ll then discover it’s a form of stealth communication and cowardice. In psychology it’s called...
‘Miracle Zone’ CONSTELLATIONS with Gary Stuart!
DEF: A surprising and welcoming event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency. Constellations allows transformation & instant resolution at lightning speed…creating a ‘Miracle Zone’ Many...
Tapping into YOUR Future timeline NOW to kick-off 2023!
To be alive in the present means we are continually moving towards a new future. Does YOUR future timeline already exist? Is your current life path on its future trajectory without you realizing it? Are the seeds of the future planted in our past to manifest in the...
Learning from Icarus in 2022
Witnessing the rise and fall of the patriarchy As the ancient Greek myth goes Icarus felt overconfident to take his wax wings to fly above the earth. He chose to get closer to the Sun and his wax wings melted making him fall into the sea and drowned. I see this as a...
What in the world is going on?
We live on a planet that took millions of years to evolve through natural cycles. Geological history shows that nature always rinses-and-repeats endlessly to reinforce the life force of our dear Mother Earth. The natural cycles and seasons of hot, cold, wet, and dry...
Battle of the Sexes 2.0
Here we go with round 2 of Roe versus Wade! How does the Constitutional right to equal protection under the law include women? Does the Declaration of Independence's right to Life, Liberty, and Happiness not apply to Women? How do six members of the Supreme Court...
Reuniting with Father…. Your return to wholeness
Everyone alive is linked to their future by their father. Our earthly fathers are our connection to our paternal ancestry. Being in ancestral harmony in the present moment binds us to our energetic relationship with ‘him’ who is our link to our future and...
What is Power?
As we witness the troubles of the world, one thing is for sure. In patriarchal terms—power or lack thereof—rules the day. There are many kinds of power. What we see most predominantly activated in our world is overt or brute power. This can be seen in the armed...
The Arduous Journey to Joy
As challenges manifest daily across the globe, it is clear we are living amidst troubled times. At times it feels like humanity is in a state of disintegration. How might we pause to remember a sense of historical perspective as we encounter our day-to-day realities?...
Embracing your inheritance of Ancestral Intelligence or A.I.
AI or automated intelligence is popular in modern day culture. AI may be smart and efficient, but it has no soul. Contrast Automated Intelligence (AI) with Ancestral Intelligence, or A.I., which is what you inherited from your ancestors, and we see that A.I. has both...
Mother knows BEST, whose Earth, is it?
In this current age of chaos and distraction you could deduce that there's nothing more important than what mankind has to offer humanity. Incredibly, it's a media generated illusion that humans or mankind is in control of all life on Earth. This is simply not true....
The Healing Power of Acceptance: Part 2
Check out our first post in this series, Is forgiveness really required? Part 1 As children, we were forced to accept the way we’re treated by our family or situations. Some situations are good as the adults agreed to take care of our well-being. In other cases,...
Is forgiveness really required? Part 1
Today, many healers, seekers, therapists, and preachers are claiming that forgiveness of your perpetrator is a necessary pre-condition for living emotionally free. We see many so-called experts jumping on a “blame” bandwagon without realizing the deeper systemic...
The Feminine Dawn
A new dawn emerges as patriarchal disintegration births the Empowered Feminine! Many people, both men and women, are under duress over the current state of affairs of life and liberty and what's happening in the good old U.S. of A. Some people are seemingly happy...
LIFE: Dancing with Drama!
In many circles people will emphatically state "no drama please." However, life has its own rules of engagement such as... Eat to LiveKill to EatAdapt or DieBig Fish, Little FishSurvival of the Fittest We don't typically ask for what life gives us. Life often just...
Perception is YOUR Polarity SHIFT
Everyone in life experiences things that are both positive and negative. Life is guaranteed to throw us curveballs as we meander through time and space. Some of those curveballs can be positive and sometimes those curveballs are negative. Generally, we're unhappy when...
Healing ONE, Heals ALL
Everything in the universe is interconnected. You don't have to be Albert Einstein to understand this. One glance at the night sky and you will see the magnificent interweaving of planets, stars, and galaxies. Quantum physics proves the interconnection of...
The Language of Empowerment
When we get caught in a communication shame spiral, we lose the meaningful significance of the great accomplishments and glory that our forebears painfully created. Both sides of the culture war are fighting for or against many things, and in this angry, verbally...
The 2 Gary’s 2 Apple Trees
Gary Corb and I planted 'The 2 Gary's" twin apple trees in Greensboro, Vermont in 2000 as a housewarming for my dearest friend Susan Cammer. 2021 was the first year it bore apples! Though Gary Corb will never see the results of our love for Susan, I have, though...
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Helping people like you profoundly shift any negative mindset from your past experiences into life-changing resolutions.

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