In the newest edition of MysticMag interviews, Gary Stuart, a seasoned practitioner with 25 years dedicated to constellation healing, invites you into the realm of ancestral consciousness. From his origins as a massage therapist to facilitating profound group events, Stuart unveils the transformative power of addressing the past for a more fulfilled present and future. As a five-time best-selling author, he shares insights into his upcoming fall release, “Venus Envy: Busting the Male Misogyny Myth,” while offering a glimpse into his rich literary journey that includes works like “Ancestral Intelligence” and “Quantum Activation.”
What can you tell me about yourself and your professional journey?
I discovered this amazing modality late in life and have dedicated the past 25 years to furthering the aspects of reconciling the past with the present for a better future. Ironically, our ancestors wanted the same. I knew instantly this was a new career path in the late 90’s. I was a massage therapist and got messages to give to clients and guidance as to what they needed to make a body-mind connection hence a healing release somatically. It’s the same guidance I receive during the facilitation of Constellations as well.
What is constellation healing?
It really is the best key I’ve found to access the Consciousness of Totality. It’s very shamanic as we have access to the realm of our dead ancestors. We all do more than we know. It’s part of the impulses of life. I joke that “we all come from a long line of Dead People”. My skill is to read the signals and thoughts from beyond so the past can be healed or at the very least be accepted so we then can move on, and create the most fulfilled life possible until we pass back into the realm of the dead or Spirit from whence, we came. Everything is ‘consciousness’, which precedes matter, and no dogmatic belief system is needed.
Can you walk me through one of your constellation healing sessions?
I can do 1 on 1 live or on Zoom, but I like groups the best. Any attendee can Rep for a total stranger. I do not share their information or historical Q and A with anyone present… I address the history and client goal at the end. A working client will pic a Rep to be them achieving their goals… they take us on a journey with whatever they report, and I receive guidance and information as to what’s needed for deep and profound healing. The irony is most people pick unbeknownst to them have a similar issue in their past. A group holds the energy, and this process heals all in attendance and the entire family system too. We can add other ‘Reps’ as needed from the mother or father line of a dead Ancestor. My greatest skill is speaking the deeper truth into the room and gently suggesting the working client repeat it to the Reps or the large field not physically present. I supply the appropriate healing sentences it’s not about forgiveness but acceptance of life as it is or was.
How much are group events different from 1-on-1 work?
A group can be small, including 4-5 people, or a larger one of 10-25 attendees. I see the bigger picture like a Director of a Studio Movie. The Rep guide me to it. 1 on 1 I may have to Rep and facilitate plus communicate to the client what’s going on. For me, it’s like cutting myself up into pieces while I have another foot in an unseen dimension… I can but Groups feel better and let me tune into the unseen dramas that created the story of woe… I choose to heal the Dead from the past for the Client present for everyone to have a good future. Who says heaven has to be far away?
You’re also a successful author. What books have you written, and can we expect any new projects to come out soon?
I am a 5-time best-selling Author. My fall release is Venus Envy: Busting the Male Misogyny Myth his other healing books are on his Amazon Author page. His first bestseller (A.I.) Ancestral Intelligence documents the gift of life we all inherited with the wisdom and knowledge of our ancestors that pales compared to (A.I.)
My other books include:
Quantum Activation: Transforming Obstacles into Opportunities with Amit Goswami and Carl David Blake with cover quote by Deepak Chopra. My other books are Healing Human History, Raising YOUR Harmonious Child, Master YOUR Universe, and Many Hearts, ONE SOUL, among others.
My latest ‘Venus Envy’ is at the top of my Author page which can be found at:
About the author

Predrag Vlatkovic: Predrag is a nature and animal lover, fascinated with energy healing and hypnotherapy.
Content Editor
Gary Stuart

Bert Hellinger protege and master Constellation healing Facilitator also a 5 5-time best-selling Author and Speaker. He’s facilitated thousands of transformative healing experiences for well over two decades. His skills and techniques expand consciousness while resolving inherited life-long challenges, stagnation, and negative family patterns.
Gary’s heartfelt passion is to help people heal and resolve unconscious, negative, interpersonal family patterns that stop you from living the life you can choose to live. He never loses sight in connecting people with “the gift” of happiness and fulfillment that’s so needed and deserved.
I look forward to quantumly activating your great future NOW!
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MysticMag is a review website that is dedicated to helping you find the very best psychic reading service for you. We understand that accessing spiritual services can feel daunting, so we work hard to provide detailed, objective, and honest reviews you can trust.
Our team of writers consists of tarot readers, psychics, and astrologers with many years of real-life experience in services just like the ones we review. We understand the factors that make a service great.