Emotional Entanglements: Leaving the Negative Behaviors Behind

Emotional Entanglements: Leaving the Negative Behaviors Behind

This month’s topic and posts on Entanglements with other Generations INCLUDES those Excluded from the family system. There is another more neurotic and insidious version of entanglements, Behaviors.  Many people in each and every family history have a way of...
Within the energy of the problem lies the seed of the resolution

Within the energy of the problem lies the seed of the resolution

Everything we experience contains a gift; it is in the delicate unwrapping that it will reveal all of its surprises. The systemic energy of truth will shine its light on those places that once had seemed so dark. Of course, the “light” was there all along; we just...
Entangled FATE and DESTINY

Entangled FATE and DESTINY

What we find in the amazing experiences of Constellation Healing is that there is a very deep love that exists between the current generation and the previous generations. It is almost as if the Future is tied to those from the Past. Love seems to transcend time and...


We so often remain victims as adults because we subconsciously think our parents aren’t strong enough to carry the weight of their actions — they are. By doing so, they regain their dignity and self-respect. By continuing to play the “victim,” we continue to...
What is the Order of Love?

What is the Order of Love?

It was in his systemic therapy work that Bert discovered that the family system, just like any other system, has its own natural order and when that order is disrupted; the effects are felt by subsequent generations as the system tries to right itself. There appear to...