

With each new generation, our familial roles are expanded; children become parents, and parents become grandparents. The smallest member has a great impact on the “bigger” ones, creating a huge event in the family system’s history simply by being born and,...
The Hidden Power of Family Secrets

The Hidden Power of Family Secrets

Many families throughout their history have held many secrets close to their heart. It‘s generally done to protect others from the pain of the truth, a simple truth about some less than pleasant matter. Over time, sometimes generations as we see in systemic, ancestral...
Within the energy of the problem lies the seed of the resolution

Within the energy of the problem lies the seed of the resolution

Everything we experience contains a gift; it is in the delicate unwrapping that it will reveal all of its surprises. The systemic energy of truth will shine its light on those places that once had seemed so dark. Of course, the “light” was there all along; we just...


We so often remain victims as adults because we subconsciously think our parents aren’t strong enough to carry the weight of their actions — they are. By doing so, they regain their dignity and self-respect. By continuing to play the “victim,” we continue to...